EAHD 2018 – Museum of Geology and palaeontology, University of Padova

NOVEMBER 21, 2018, 16h30

Social and Environmental Sustainability : Geology for health in the Euganean Hills
Fabio Tateo – Anna Carraro Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources – CNR

The geological activity of the Earth has a direct influence on health, just considering that soil, water and air are geological “materials”. Particular geological conditions and materials can be found to have therapeutic value or, on the contrary, that are harmful to health.
The Euganean Hills are well-known for the value of two healing means: thermal waters, characterized by high salinity and temperatures up to about 80°C, and therapeutic muds prepared using mud ex- tracted from peri-Euganean lakes and then matured in the spas. Even the landscape can be considered a therapeutic tool; actually, the restorative value of the natural landscape and water is recognized in the reduction of psycho-physical stress and for the recovery of cognitive resources.

while the adult attend the conference, children will be guided in a tour of the Museum of Geology and Palethnology
Free entrance, reservation required
Information and booking: tel. 049 8272086, e-mail: museo.paleontologia@unipd.it

Sala della Caccia, Palazzo Cavalli – via Giotto 1