18 November 2013

"Down the Rabbit hole", backstage of knowledge production.

In order to raise awareness to the importance of university heritage, UNIVERSEUM, the European University Heritage Network, has established 18 November as European University Heritage Day.

On this day, European universities celebrate their common cultural heritage through special activities, debates, conferences and access to their museums, collections and monuments.

The theme for 2013 is "Down the Rabbit hole", backstage of knowledge production

Announcement  (PDF)





Ghent University



International Colloquium on Positioning Academic Heritage. Challenges for Universities, museums and society in the 21^st century

Ghent-Belgium, Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 November 2013

Announcement (PDF)



University of Padua



Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art

A day at the Archaeological Museum: people, collections and tools

that support the production of knowledge

18 November 2013

Program (PDF)


Museum of Geology and Palaeontology

The secret life of fossils (what’s going on in the museum)

18 November 2013

Program (PDF)


Museum of Anthropology

The Faces of Evolution

18 November 2013

Program (PDF)


Zoology Museum

Discover the Museum

18-19 November 2013

Program (PDF)



Université libre de Bruxelles – ULB



Network of ULB’s Museums

Activities, tasting sessions and free participative workshops

Ecomusée du Viroin in Treignes

17 November

ProgramPoster (PDF)



Medical University of Bialystok



Discovering the magical world of human cells

18 November

Program (PDF)