UMAC Survey – Who works in university museums and collections?

Who knows who works in university museums and collections ?

UMAC wants to know who works in university museums and collections worldwide. Nobody knows for sure. No surveys have been conducted at national level, let alone at global level. Yet, data would be paramount to inform higher education institutions and the museum sector, support advocacy for university museums and collections, and outline UMAC’s strategy regarding training and policies, among others.


Please answer the survey  (it takes 10 minutes only) :

UMAC would be very grateful if you could contribute.

Results will be treated by an interdisciplinary team and published in a book in 2022.

The project is supported by ICOM Special Projects and results from a partnership between UMAC, the  ICOM Committee for the Training of Personnel (ICTOP), the  Association of Academic Museums and Galleries (AAMG, USA) and the  European Academic Heritage Network (Universeum).

Read more about P-MUS.