18 November 2016

European Academic Heritage Day

The theme for 2016 is “University Heritage at War”

2016 is located in the middle of the centenary commemoration of World War I in which many museums and universities are involved. This anniversary provides a context for a broader debate about universities, heritage and war through history. Current wars remind us that issues of heritage and war are not only of the past but equally important in the present. For the European University Heritage Day of 2016, UNIVERSEUM encourages reflection around the multifaceted theme of heritage and war, which includes issues such as collections used in and resulting from warfare, universities and university personnel and students involved in warfare and in peacekeeping, material evidence of war, war damage, commemoration of war at universities, collections and objects as war booty, war reparations, military surplus material, repatriation of heritage, and preservation of heritage in countries currently at war.

Announcement 2016  (PDF)


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